Callus induction and differentiation (Review article)

Author : Aysar M. S. Almemary

The science of plant tissue culture is the science of developing plant cells, tissues, or organs
isolated from the mother plant or cell protoplast on culture media (George et al., 2008). The technology of plant
tissue is one of the biotechnologies that led and still plays an important role in the service of man, especially in
the field of propagation of many types of plants because of the advantages of this method, perhaps the most
important of which is obtaining huge numbers of plants without pathogens and similar to the mother plant at a
time relatively short and at any time of the year, in addition to using this technology in research and application
fields, including breeding Plant improvement, production of medicinal drugs, drugs, and rapid breeding
multiplication are among the applications of great importance that are followed by different methods of
differentiation and formal formation such as the formation of transverse buds, stimulation of the growth of
axillary buds and the development of asexual embryos (somatic embryos) as well as a study of the basic aspects
of plant growth and development and secondary metabolism (Al-Kinani, 2002; Ford, 2000; Kasumi et al., 2004
and Gupta et al., 2006).

Keywords : Callus, induction, differentiation, tissue culture.,

Received:1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM; Accepted: 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM