Effect of gibberellic acid (GA3) on growth and some characteristics of ornamental plants (Review article)

Author : Angham Talal Mahmoud AL-Chalabi

Gibberellin is one of the hormones produced by modern plant leaves and values
developing in the roots and stems, and through studies on the GA3 its effect on the characteristics of
the plant. The gibberellic acid was distinguished by its ability to cross the senses of many plants .and
the increase in the number of leaves, the speed of the treated seed germination, the percentage of
chlorophyll, the fresh and dry weight of the vegetative system.in addition to many other
characteristics of added plants. It has different concentrations of this acid, especially when compared
with the comparison treatment or with other substances interfering with it.

Keywords : Gibberellic acid, ornamental plants, growth,

Received:1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM; Accepted: 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM