A Study of the Response of Matthiola incana L. to Organic Fertilizer “Vermicompost” and Mineral Fertilizers “Ipersol”

Author : Zainab Q. R. Zein Alabdeen and Hala A. R. Abdel Qader

The experiment was conducted in the plastic greenhouse   of the Department of Horticulture and Landscape at the College of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Mosul to study the effect of organic and chemical fertilization on the growth and flowering of Matthiola Incana L. Shabui plants. The study Included two factors: the first factor has five levels including fertilizing with   a percentage of %10   and 15% organic solid fertilizer (Vermicompost) and fertilization with 0.5 and 1 ml/L of organic liquid fertilizer (Vermicompost). The second factor includes fertilization with chemical fertilizer (Ipersol) with three concentrations 0,1,2gm/pot. The experiment was carried out using a randomized complete block design with three replications and seven plants for each replicator. The results indicated that the plants fertilized with Vermicompost were distinguished by 10% and 15% in the potting medium and significantly in plant height, as well as early flowering and an increase in inflorescence length compared to the comparison treatment and fertilization with liquid Vermicompost. Fertilization with chemical fertilizers at a concentration of 2 g/pot resulted in a significant increase in plant height and chlorophyll intensity in leaves, and early flowering by about 7-8 days. The wet weight of the inflorescence increased compared to the comparison treatment as a whole. It can be said that the fertilization of the inflorescence plants with Vermicompost  by 15% of the planting medium with the addition of chemical fertilizer at a concentration of 2 g / pot led to early flowering and the largest significant values ​​were recorded for the wet weight of the inflorescence, while the largest significant values ​​were recorded for the length of the first inflorescence when adding Vermicompost by 10% of the planting medium with the addition of chemical fertilizer at a concentration of 2 g / pot.

Keywords : Matthiola Incana,, Vermicompost,, Ipersol,, organic and chemical fertilization,

Received:11/28/2022 12:00:00 AM; Accepted: 1/6/2023 12:00:00 AM