Effect of plant density on some maize hybrids productivity under new reclaimed soil conditions at south Sinai

Author : Abd El-Aziz, M.A. and H.M. El Shahed

Two experiments were carried out during the 2020 and 2021 summer seasons at El- Tur
area, South Sinai, Egypt to investigate the Response of some maize hybrids (MH) (Zea mays L.). under
new reclaimed conditions on plant density (PD) Each experiment included 16 treatments which were four
maize hybrids Single crosses (MH) i.e. MH1): S.C. 162; MH2): S.C. 168; MH3): S.C. 176 and MH4): S.C.
178, and four plant density (PD) treatments i.e. PD1): 35 cm; PD2): 30 cm; PD3): 25 cm PD4): 20 cm).
Results showed significant differences among some maize hybrids treatments in all studied traits in both
seasons. Also, results cleared that values of grain and biological yields were increased by each. The results
revealed significant differences between maize hybrids for all studied characters. MH2): S.C. 168
significantly surpassed other studied hybrids in number of rows/ Ear, number of grains/row, Ear length
(cm), grain yield/ha, Biological yield/ha, Protein (%), Grain return (LE/ha), Total return (LE/ha) and Net
return (LE/ha). MH2): S.C. 178 significantly surpassed other studied hybrids in plant height (cm), Straw
yield/ha and Carbohydrate (%) and S.C. 162 significantly surpassed other studied hybrids in 100-grain
Weight (g) and Straw return (LE/ha) in the both seasons. Plant density (PD4): 20 cm (62500 plant/ha)
significantly surpassed other studied in plant height, number of rows/ Ear, number of grains/row, Ear
length (cm), 100-grain Weight (g), grain yield/ha, Straw yield/ha, Biological yield/ha, Protein (%),
Carbohydrate (%), Grain return (LE/ha), Straw return (LE/ha), Total return (LE/ha) and Net return (LE/ha)
in both seasons. The highest grain yield (8.562 ton/ha in the 1st season and 8.904 ton/ha in the 2nd one
produced) from maize hybrids 168 with application of plant density PD4): 20 cm (62500 plant/ha) in both
seasons. However, the economic maize grain and straw yields could be obtained from maize hybrids S.C.
162and application of plant density PD4): 20 cm (62500 plant/ha) under El- Tur area, South Sinai of Egypt.

Keywords : Maize, Plant Density, Hybrids, Productivity, Biological, Grain return.,

Received:1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM; Accepted: 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM